AARC Meeting Notes Archive
After each Monthly Meeting, relevant slide-decks, handouts and other relevant files, once they’re available, are posted here for club member reference.
Note: The next meeting Topic and Speaker: https://austinhams.org/#NextMonthlyMeeting
2024 Monthly Meeting Notes Archive
OctoberTopic: Introduction to Army MARS | NovemberTopic: Deploying Travis Co ARES Emergency Communication Trailer | DecemberTopic: TBD |
July Topic: Field Day Results & Photos | August Topic: Lightning Mitigation for Amateur Radio Antennas | SeptemberTopic: Amateur Radio Jumpkits |
AprilTopic: TBD | MayTopic: TBD | June Topic: Field Day 2024 Planning |
JanuaryTopic: TBD | FebruaryTopic: TBD | MarchTopic: TBD |
2023 Monthly Meeting Notes Archive
July | August Topic: 3D Printing for Hams | September Topic: Intro to Ham Radio Digital Modes |
April | MayTopic: HF Antenna Tuners | JuneTopic: Field Day 2023 at the Red Cross
2022 Monthly Meeting Notes Archive
April | May | JuneTopic: Ham Radio at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy (LASA) High School Amateur Radio Club, K5LBJ
JanuaryTopic: National Ham Organization (ARRL) Activities Update with Emphasis on Member Services
| FebruaryTopic: TBA | March |
2021 Monthly Meeting Notes Archive
October Topic: Mobile Radio Installation and Mobile Antenna Performance | November Topic: AC emergency generators, portable, select circuit and whole house. The goal is to determine what works for each family based on fuel, generator type, size and cost | December Topic: Field Expedient Antennas |
September Topic: Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) Antennas: Theory, Practice and Construction | August Topic: Use of The NanoVNA For Antenna Measurements
| July Topic: The Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) & Amateur Radio — Supporting the Mission
June Topic: Grounding and Bonding Your Ham Shack | May | April |
March | February | January |