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When All Else Fails
Ham Radio Works!
When All Else Fails Ham Radio Works!

Over 350 Members Strong!

Welcome to the Austin Amateur Radio Club, Inc., an active affiliate of ARRL (formerly American Radio Relay League) now in our 109th year! Zoom meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., except for the in-person Holiday Party in December.

Email aarc-officers [at] for the meeting link.

A Wide Range of Specialties

Our club members are active in all areas of Ham Radio, including digital and high frequency. Specialized areas include Field Day, Contesting, QRP, Digital Modes and EMCOMM.  Members can usually be found monitoring the 146.940-107.2, 444.1+103.5 or 444.2+107.2 repeater – especially during morning and afternoon “drive time” hours. Come join us on-the-air!

My Interview on KOOP FM 91.7

On Wednesday, February 7, I was interviewed by Mindy Reed at KOOP FM 91.7 radio…

read more
President’s Corner Story Archive


Next Monthly Meeting

Each monthly meeting is on the first Tuesday of each month, and begins as 7 p.m. Central time. The meetings include Club Business, Solar Weather and a Feature Presentation, all on Zoom. Meetings are open to the public, and guests are welcome

August Meeting: August 6, 2024

Topic: TBD, Presented by Lew Thompson, W5IFQ

“We really appreciated your group coming down here to help us after Hurricane Harvey.”

– Museum Docent, Galveston, TX

Check us out.

AARC wants you to be a part of the family. Join or renew your membership today. Check out our member benefits here. To get started, you can participate in our next virtual meeting and connect with other Amateur Radio enthusiasts (hams) throughout the Austin area.

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