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Ham Classes

Looking for a course to help you prepare for the exam? We will post the details here when a local class is forming.

Need to get your General upgrade? Here is your chance!

We will be starting an in-person General license course starting September 21, and it will run through November 7th. That’s every Saturday from 10AM to 3 PM EXCEPT October 5th, as we know everyone (OK, many of us) will want to go to the Belton Fall Hamfest.

It will be held at :
City of Cedar Park EOC
450 Cypress Creek Rd, Building 6
Cedar Park, TX 78613

That is the same location where I hold VE Sessions. For a map and picture of the building go to:

We will hold a test the Saturday after the last class day at the normally scheduled VE Session. That gives us plenty of time to cover anything you might need to know to pass your exam.

You will need to study the chapters of the upcoming class during the week, then we will go over the slide deck, answer questions, and sometimes have hands-on stuff or show-n-tell to help it all “sink in”.
This will NOT be a class of just memorizing answers. I want you to actually learn and know the material to make you an effective General licensee. That will make it easier when you go for Extra! I’m already thinking ahead to THAT class sometime in 2025.

I have already received a couple of emails asking about missing a day or two of the classes.
As I’m making this available to all, I’ll be there for every class. If there is a day or two that you can’t make it, please come to the rest, and study up on your own for the ones that you miss. When we have Q&A time, ask any questions for any of the classes.

If you or someone you know is interested in upgrading, please email me at to get on my list. I will email related info as needed for the class.


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