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Hello AARC Members,

In the ongoing effort to support and protect amateur radio operators, two significant pieces of legislation have been introduced in the U.S. Congress: H.R. 1094 in the House of Representatives and S. 459 in the Senate. Collectively known as the Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act, these bills aim to eliminate private land use restrictions that hinder the installation and operation of amateur radio antennas on residential properties.

Understanding the Legislation

U.S. Senators Roger Wicker, R-Miss., and Richard Blumenthal, D- Conn., and Representatives August Pfluger, R-Tex., and Joe Courtney, D-Conn. announced their joint re-introduction of legislation in the Senate and House to restore the right to Amateur Radio operators to install the antennas necessary to serve their communities.

The Importance to Ham Radio

As many of you know amateur radio operators play a crucial role in emergency communications, providing life-saving information during natural disasters and other crises. However, the growth of residential areas governed by HOAs has led to an increase in restrictions that impair the ability of operators to establish functional stations at their homes. By eliminating these barriers, the proposed legislation ensures that amateur radio operators can maintain their readiness to assist in emergencies, thereby serving the public interest.

Call to Action

The success of these bills depends on the support of our elected representatives. As constituents, your voice carries significant weight. We urge you to download the attached letter, personalize it with your information, and send it to your respective members of Congress. By doing so, you advocate for the essential role that amateur radio operators play in emergency preparedness and community safety.

Why Your Participation Matters

Legislators rely on feedback from their constituents to guide their decisions. By expressing your support for H.R. 1094 and S. 459, you help highlight the importance of amateur radio in disaster response and the need to remove unnecessary restrictions that impede its operation. Your involvement can make a pivotal difference in advancing this legislation and ensuring that amateur radio operators can continue to serve effectively.

For more information on these bills and their progress, please visit the ARRL's official announcement here:

Your proactive support is vital to the future of amateur radio and its capacity to serve our communities in times of need.  I would urge all members to review and use this template and write our representation in both the House and The Senate and lend your support to these very important bills.  The Austin Amateur Radio Club, signed by the officers, will be sending letters to our representatives as well.


Chris, KJ5DJC

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