2020: A challenging yet productive year
2020 has been an unusual year. But in spite of Covid-19, we had a very good year! The annual Lou Withrow SkyWarn training was held at the Austin Community College Eastview Campus with several hundred in attendance. Lew Thompson provided excellent programs that prompted hams from other states to join our Zoom meetings. Meeting attendance was up over 50% and we took in more new members.
Michael Marks led the TCARES team to a successful year completing several Simulated Emergency Tests and was named Ham of the Year. The Scholarship program awarded more scholarship dollars with the new James Greenwood Scholarships in addition to the Copland Scholarships. The Technical Committee led by Roy Walker solved all problems with the Club’s repeaters. ARRL present the Club with a plaque celebrating 100 years in ARRL membership and our US Senators presented us with a flag that flew over the US Capitol. And Joe Fisher improved on the AARC Club History Video.
We finished the year with 272 active members. And 2021 will bring more innovative ideas with Mark Jenkins leading a new website initiative. I look forward to returning to face-to-face meetings and all the jolly fellowship that goes with that and to hear you check-in to our weekly nets.

Kerby Spruiell, KG5DLD
President AARC