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ARRL Contest – January VHF Contest

For amateurs in the US and Canada (and their possessions) to work as many amateur stations in as many different 2 degrees x 1 degree Maidenhead grid squares as possible using authorized frequencies above 50 MHz. #ARRL #Contest

ARRL Contest – ARRL/LIMARC February School Club Roundup

To exchange QSO information with club stations that are part of an elementary, middle, high school or college. Non-school clubs and individuals are encouraged to participate. #ARRL #Contest

ARRL Contest – International DX CW Contest

To encourage W/VE stations to expand knowledge of DX propagation on the HF and MF bands, improve operating skills, and improve station capability by creating a competition in which DX stations may only contact W/VE stations. #ARRL #Contest

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