We're Back!

Join us for our Christmas Party, in-person and on Zoom!
Yes, the famous Austin Amateur Radio Club Christmas Party is back, with all the usual contests, recognition awards and plenty of door prizes! There’ll be lots of fun and socializing, too!
The club is covering the cost of a buffet dinner for club members and your spouse/significant other! If you’re not yet a club member, now would be a great time to become one!
The buffet will feature beef, chicken and cheese enchiladas as the main course, with traditional side dishes.
Also included is iced tea. But, while tea is free, soft and hard drinks are the responsibility of each person ordering them, along with appropriate gratuity for drink service.
So, yes: Free Food! 😉 Sign Up at the bottom of this page!
QLF? "Are you sending with your left foot?"
The QLF contest (morse code with your left foot, or non-dominant foot, Lew!) will again take place, with the winner receiving the highly-coveted QLF trophy!
Grand Door Prize!
Our top door prize this year is a Yaesu FTM-300DR 50W Dual-Band C4FM Analog/Digital Mobile Transceiver, with real dual-band operation, a full-color screen, built-in Bluetooth, APRS/GPS, WiRES-X (Yaesu Fusion Digital), and a removable faceplate, amongst other features, (a $450 value!), which will be awarded to one lucky winner.

White Elephant Gift Exchange!
We’ll have it again this year! The White Elephant gift exchange works like this:
- Bring something that’s wrapped and ham radio related, worth at least $10, and works or is usable just like it is.
- Get a numbered ticket for the exchange drawing.
- When your ticket number is called, either select a remaining gift and open it, or “steal” a previously opened gift. But a “theft” is only allowed once per recipient. If your selection is “stolen”, you immediately get a new selection.
Gifts might include a cheap used radio, a vacuum tube, antenna wire or insulators, a book, a microphone, a hand tool, etc. Homebrew items are OK too, if they work.
Artistic creations could be entered too, but they must meet the requirements in number 1 above.
So, what’ya got?? Please indicate in the “Comments” block on the Sign-up! form below if you plan to bring a White Elephant gift.

The 2024 Christmas Party will be held at Baby Acapulco’s (aka “Baby A’s”) at the Stonelake location: 9505-B Stonelake Blvd, Austin, TX 78759. Click for Google Map
Sign Up!
Just like our regular meetings, our Christmas Party will be held on the first Tuesday of December, which is December 3rd, starting at 7:00 p.m.
To attend the party you must sign up below. We need to provide an attendee estimate to the restaurant no later than Monday, November 25th, so that’s the cutoff.
So, please fill out the following form if you’re going to attend.
Oh, and if you have a Ham name badge, please remember to wear it to the party so that everyone will know who everyone is! 🙂